First Visit
At your first visit, we will take a thorough history regarding your health journey so far. If you are presenting with a specific injury or complaint, we will focus on that.
Sometimes the information you tell us can give us the greatest clues as to the underlying cause of your problem.
The next part is the Physical Exam; we check the movement through each spinal segment and we assess the tonicity (tightness) of the surrounding muscles. Sometimes you might be unsure if you have a muscle
problem or a joint problem. In our clinical experience, almost every time, it is both.
Then we perform what we refer to as orthopaedic and neurological tests. These help us rule in or rule out various possible causes of what might be bothering you. We also perform a posture assessment on this visit.
If appropriate, we might refer you for Xray’s (bulk billed) or other imaging (ultrasound, MRI).